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Lähetetty Marraskuu 11 2021

7 tärkeintä syytä Kanadan PR-hakemuksen hylkäämiseen vuonna 2022

By  toimittaja
Päivitetty Maaliskuuta 26 2024

Jos unelmasi on muuttaa Kanadaan by obtaining a permanent residency there, it can be very disappointing if your PR visa application is rejected by Canadian authorities. But the good news is if you know the reasons for the rejection of your PR application, you can ensure that you do not repeat the same mistake in your subsequent PR visa application. Let us look at some of the common reasons for the rejection of your PR viisumi ja miten voit parhaiten välttää virheet hakemuksessasi, jotta vältytään uudelleen hylkäämiseltä.


  1. Tarkkojen tietojen toimittamatta jättäminen

You may have provided inaccurate data because you misunderstood the form's instructions and made mistakes when filling it out. Make sure you're not giving out incorrect information. Declaring that you are employed when you are not is an example. Do not provide inaccurate information regarding your employment, assets, or other financial matters. If you make a severe mistake on your application form, you may be barred from reapplying for a visa in the future.


  1. Kelpoisuusvaatimusten noudattamatta jättäminen

There are numerous immigration programs in Canada, each with its own set of eligibility conditions, such as age, educational qualifications, work experience, skill level, and so on. If you do not meet the eligibility conditions or provide incorrect information, your PR application may be refused. What you should do is look at the qualifying requirements for various immigration programs and choose those that are a good match for your qualifications. As a result, your application will qualify you as a PR visa applicant increasing your chances of approval.


3. Vaadittujen asiakirjojen toimittamatta jättäminen

Your PR application must include all required documentation. If you do not meet this condition, your application will be rejected. Make a list of the documents you'll need and make sure you get them to the Canadian embassy before the deadline.


4. Todisteen esittämättä jättäminen varoista

Kanadalaisen PR:n hakijan on osoitettava, että hänellä on riittävät taloudelliset resurssit. Todisteena on toimitettava tiliotteet tai pankkitodistukset. Tämä osoittaa, että hänellä on tarpeeksi rahaa elättääkseen itsensä ja perheensä. Todisteen toimittamatta jättäminen vaadittujen varojen olemassaolosta voi johtaa PR-viisumihakemuksen hylkäämiseen.


5. Terveysvaatimusten noudattamatta jättäminen

Jokaisen PR-hakijan on esitettävä lääkärintodistus tai hyvä lääkärinlausunto Kanadan hallituksen mukaan. Tällä varmistetaan, että kun he saapuvat Kanadaan, he eivät aiheuta taloudellista rasitusta terveydenhuoltojärjestelmään tai aiheuta terveysriskiä kanadalaisille heidän kantamiensa sairauksien vuoksi. Hakemuksesi hylätään, jos terveysvaatimukset eivät täyty.


  1. Turvallisuusvaatimusten noudattamatta jättäminen

Before their application is approved, candidates for permanent residence in Canada must undergo a criminal background check. They must not have been convicted of any criminal offences in their own country. This aims to prevent migrants from entering the country who may constitute a threat to Canadian citizens and the government. For your PR application to be approved, you must have a clean criminal record.


  1. Määräaikojen noudattamatta jättäminen

There are several processes to applying for a PR visa. To make the process more efficient, each step must be completed within a certain amount of time. If you do not complete these steps before the deadline, your visa may be denied. Make a schedule for your application depending on the deadlines. Allow enough time to acquire all of the necessary documents so that you may submit your application on time and finish the procedure before the deadline.


Mitä tehdä, jos hakemuksesi hylätään

The rejection letter you receive contains a wealth of information and clues regarding the reasons for your application's denial. Read it attentively and jot down any facts you find that you can use to support your reapplication case later. You can also ask to see the notes that your visa officer took while assessing your application. This may assist you in addressing any issues you have about your reapplication. It's also possible that the fresh application will be reviewed by a different immigration officer, who may have a different opinion. You can also make an appeal to against the rejection to either the IAD (Immigration Adjudication Division) or the Federal Court of Canada. The appeal should be made within a specific period of time and should be done immediately.


Hakemuksesi hylkäämisen välttäminen

Plan and prepare for your application submission well in advance to minimize the odds of rejection. Keep yourself well-informed on the requirements and have them ready well ahead of time. This will ensure that your application is accepted. Hiring an immigration consultant would be a better alternative. Their skills and knowledge of Canadian immigration programs will benefit you. They will assist you in submitting a foolproof application with few chances of rejection.



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Lähetetty Huhtikuu 29 2024

Kanadan maahanmuutto ilman työtarjousta